The Board Reads
Those of us on the NSLA Board of Directors are passionate about literacy. We are always trying to further educate ourselves on evidence-based ways of teaching reading in an effort to stay up-to-date on the latest research and methods so we can share this information with you. Here is a list of what we have been reading.
Artfully Teaching the Science of Reading by Chase Young, David Paige, & Timothy Rasinski
Arise: The Art of Transformational Coaching by Elena Aguilar
Dyslexia: Revisiting Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Poicy by Julie Washington, Donald Compton, & Peggy McCardle
Harnessing the Science of Learning by Nathaniel Swain, Ph.D
Know Better Do Better Comprehension by David & Meredith Liben
Talk Read Talk Write by Nancy Motley
Teaching Struggling and At-Risk Readers: A Direct Instruction Approach by Douglas Carnine, Jerry Silbert, & Edward Kame'enui